Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts


Mailart arrives from Carlo Maria Giudici, Italy

Carlo Maria Giudici, "Istambul - Citta' Futura"
21x15 cm, tempera acquarellata + inchiostro 2011


Printed and original collaged cards by Domenico Severino

Domenico Severino sends his printed and original collaged cards in the same envelope with the catalog (2010) I blogged in the previous post. Many thanks Domenico for autographing your catalog and all those artwork that came along.
See Domenico Severino's website:

Catalog from Domenico Severino: Deconstruction of Subject


Mailart pieces arrive from Giovanni Strada, Italy

Mail art pieces two of which are size A4 arrive in the envelope with stamps uncancelled. Many thanks Giovanni.


"Great Istanbul" card received from Stefano Fossiant Sini

Really great artwork with style. Many thanks Stefano.


This "BIG ISTANBUL" card comes from Serena Rossi, Italy

(Collage, acrylic, and glitters on paper 15 x 10 cm)
Many thanks to Serena Rossi, Milano, for this first mailart contribution to "futuristanbul" project.