T H I S - I S - O N L Y - A - P E R S O N A L - M A I L - A R T - O R - A - P O S T A L - A R T - P R O J E C T
Stitched butterfly card arrives from Daniele Principe, Italy
See the artist's page and mail art projects on www.principearte.it.
Cranberry Island Mailart catalog arrives from Rebecca Guyver
21x14.8 cm in size, this color catalog of 44 pages displays a lot of very interesting mailart works by many international participants. Thank you very much, Rebecca!
What mailart I received today? And posted any?
"Hill 60" postcard from Jan Theuninck
"MAIL ART book" catalog from Bruno Chiarlone
Another "Island Mail-art" catalog from Rebecca Guyver.
Many thanks to all!
Soon to scan and post images I hope!
Yes. Sent 2 collaged cards in envelopes to Brazil, both on topic of the End of the World before the end comes! I made one more to post to the States. Also two cards to be sent for exhibition projects in Germany. Got the stamps from the historical post office in Sirkeci today. Will send them Monday. Made about 10 collages also, mostly futuristanbul theme! The maps!
"MAIL ART book" catalog from Bruno Chiarlone
Another "Island Mail-art" catalog from Rebecca Guyver.
Many thanks to all!
Soon to scan and post images I hope!
Yes. Sent 2 collaged cards in envelopes to Brazil, both on topic of the End of the World before the end comes! I made one more to post to the States. Also two cards to be sent for exhibition projects in Germany. Got the stamps from the historical post office in Sirkeci today. Will send them Monday. Made about 10 collages also, mostly futuristanbul theme! The maps!

On September 1 ART OF MOVEMENT participate in the "Notte dei Claustri" at the city of Altamura - Italy.
You can see the photos in the link below: http://www.flickr.com/photos/colaboratorioarte/sets/72157631400859936/
List of artists:
We will accept works till September 25, 2012 (in Gravina in Puglia) to participate in the ART AND MOVEMENTs shows.
I am glad to invite you to visit our website and see our new art postals: http://arteinmovimento.wordpress.com/
Please share this messege with your contacts.
Best regards,
Adriana Cordero
General co-ordination Colaboratorio [arte, espacio & movimiento]
http://www.colaboratorioarte.com/ .
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