A personal mailart project: FUTURISTANBULThe biggest city in Turkey with a population of about 13 (or 16) million people and increasing each day, Istanbul is celebrating nowadays its year of European Capital of Culture.
How would this historical city look like in 10, 20 or say, a 100 years’ time?
Because I can't promise an exhibition for the time being, I will myself send my images of the city in the future to the mailartists and/or project owners in the world from time to time.
Of course contributions in mail art form are welcome.
Size: Minimum standard postcard (10x15 cm), maximum A4 (21x29 cm).
Technique free. No pornograpy, no offensive images.
All works must be sent by snail mail to:
Kemal Özyurt P.K.407 Sirkeci 34115 Istanbul TURKEY
Please provide your name, surname, nationality and e-mail address.
Received art will be posted at
http://www.futuristanbul.blogspot.com/If realise an exhibition, document to all.